Summer production break
Dear Customer spring is here and summer just after, …
…and we at Satatuote want to serve you in the best possible way.
High-quality products, right-time deliveries and customer satisfaction are an important part of our supply chain.
Improving the flow of communication and listening to our customers are matters to which we pay particular attention, which is why we are approaching you now, in anticipation of our
According to production planning, our production will be closed during
weeks 26-27, i.e. from 22nd June to 5th July 2020.
We would like to hear from you, and if you need to discuss the timetables and deliveries, please contact our production planning department.
Our deliveries however take place normally during a maintenance outage.
Please contact in matters concerning orders and part deliveries.
With kind regards,
Lotta Haaslahti Rami Sainio
Manager, Supply Chain Director, Business Development