We are once again participating in #ämpäristöteko campaign organised by the Finnish plastics industry.
Plastic belongs in the recycling!
Using plastics responsibly does not mean giving up plastic. Instead, we need to reduce plastic waste and increase the use of recycled plastic as a material. This requires circular economy solutions and more efficient recycling. Neither plastics nor any other kind of rubbish belongs in nature!
We are once again involved in the #ämpäristöteko campaign organised by the Finnish plastics industry.
The campaign, which was conceived and organised by the Plastics Industry Association, will collect plastic products in different parts of Finland next week on Monday 5th June. Plastic products made of hard plastic materials can be brought to the collection.
Satatuote is one of the local organisers in Rauma. Motoseal, Lokari, Muottituote and Veikko Lehti are also participating.